Customer Resources

What sets Treston IAC apart from other manufacturers is a genuine desire to please the customer. If you need assistance with a delivered order, call our toll-free Customer Service number: 1-800-989-1422. To speed our efforts in resolving discrepancies, please have your Treston IAC job number available and be prepared to answer the following questions before calling:

  1. Was the incorrect or missing product actually ordered, and is it listed on our packing list?
  2. Was the complete shipment received?
  3. Was the item in question originally ordered correctly, and ordered in the correct size?
  4. Was missing product checked for in all boxes received and in the drawers of the workstation?

Customer Service will try to come to a resolution while on the phone, and if Treston IAC is at fault, will ship any small items that we have in stock within 24 hours. Items that are in stock and only need to be painted will ship in approximately 48 hours. Items that need to be manufactured will ship in approximately 5 days. Customer Service will carefully monitor progress to assure that your replacement product is shipped out in a timely manner.

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  • Postal Mail

    3831 S. Bullard Avenue
    Goodyear, AZ 85338

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